Next Steps

Cross Points Church invites to join us on mission: to connect you to Jesus, people, and your purpose.
Jesus: Everyone is on a spiritual journey, so we created a safe space for you to connect to Jesus.
People: Everyone needs a spiritual home, so we created Connect Groups for you to find your people and your spiritual home.
Purpose: Everyone has a spiritual gift, so discover your gifts and be released into your purpose through the CPCrew.
No need to wait. Jump in at any time!
Step one
Join a CPC Staff member as they introduce you the story of Cross Points Church and Pastor David Jones. You’ll learn Jesus wants to know you personally, and how he can change your life.
Step two
Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. This class will help guide you through how you can connect with a group of other like-minded people (Jesus followers) at Cross Points Church, so you can find your spiritual home.
Step three
Life doesn’t make sense until you connect to your purpose. This class will help you discover how God uniquely created you through discovering your spiritual gifts. We will prepare you to serve others in the way God designed you.
How to join Next Steps:
We meet each Sunday immediately following the service in the Worship Center. There are three different classes, but there is no particular order you need to take these classes. Join in this Sunday!