Men's Ministry

We believe God has called us to reach out to men to encourage and challenge them to realize God’s abundant purpose for their lives. We all have been gifted to do certain things. What are those gifts? How can they be used to further the kingdom of God?
It doesn’t matter what you have done in your past, it doesn’t matter how you have failed; if you’re drawing breath on this earth then God still has a plan for you….YOUR BEST DAYS ARE STILL AHEAD! Ecclesiastes 7:8 says “The end of a matter is better than its beginning;…” God is telling you He’s not done with you…are you going to allow the enemy to lie to you, to abuse you, to tell you it’s all over, that you can’t be used by God? We unite and shout a resounding “NO!” We will not be of those that shrink back, rather we will carry God’s light into the dark places and tear down the strongholds that have oppressed our families, our church, and our nation. Here’s the key: You have to get up, strengthen your resolve, take a step toward God and He will meet you and provide strength you never dreamed possible. The riches of Heaven are ours for the taking…but make no mistake. They must be taken.
The time is now. No one is promised tomorrow. We are a vapor and then we’re gone. It isn’t good enough anymore to accept Christ and just exist until we can get into heaven. Psalms 27:13 says “I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.” God’s blessings are not just something we receive when we meet Him: they’re here and now. We have a brief amount of time to achieve an eternal glory that will live forever. God is calling you right now. Accept the challenge…you’re life will never be the same.