The Role of the Holy Spirit in our lives (this list is not exhaustive)

1) The Holy Spirit is our advocate
(John 14:16)

2) The Holy Spirit is our teacher and reminder
(John 14:26)

3) Leads us into Truth
(John 14:17)

4) The Holy Spirit represents Jesus
(John 14:26)

5) Fills our hearts with love
(Romans 5:5)

6) Helps us in our weakness
(Romans 8:26)

7) Overflow with confident hope by the Power of the Spirit
(Romans 15:16)

8) As a guarantee
(II Cor 1:22)

9) Gives freedom
(II Cor 3:17)

10) Gives life
(II Cor 3:6)

11) Should guide our life
(Galatians 5:16)

12) Produces fruit
(Galatians 5:22)

13) Is our identification
(Ephesians 1:13)

14) Makes you holy
(II Thes 2:13)

15) We come to the Father through the Holy Spirit
(Ephesians 2:18)

16) Reveals to us/tells us
(I Tim 4:1)

17) Brings God’s mercy to us
(Hebrews 10:29)

18) Bears witness (Testifies) of Jesus
(John 15:26)

19) Distributes gifts
(1 Cor 12:1)

20) Searches everything
(I Cor. 2:10)

21) Helps us understand
(I Cor. 2:12)

22) Builds together by the Spirit
(Ephesians 2:22)

23) Fills us
(Act 4:31)

24) Gives power
(Acts 1:8)

25) Makes us right, cleansed, holy
(I Cor 6:11)

26) We are a temple of the Holy Spirit, a place where He dwells
(I Cor 6:19)

27) Guards
(2 Timothy 1:14)

28) Convicts the world of sin
(John 16:8)

29) Teaches all things
(Luke 12:12)

30) Gives joy
(Romans 14:17)

31) The Spirit of Adoption
(Romans 8:15)

32) Gives peace
(Romans 8:6)

33) Regenerates and renews us
(Titus 3:5)

34) Provides comfort
(Acts 9:31)

35) Can be grieved
(Ephesians 4:30)

36) Helps us pray
(Romans 8:26)

37) Is a seal for the day of redemption
(Ephesians 4:30)

38) Leads us
(Romans 8:14)

39) Helps us defeat the deeds of the body
(Romans 8:13)

40) Is a sign of the New Covenant
(Ezekiel 36:27)

41) Prophesies
(Joel 2:28)

42) Can be lied to
(Acts 5:3)

43) Sanctifies us
(1 Peter 1:2)

44) Anoints for service
(Luke 4:18)

45) Gives us assurance
(Romans 8:16)

46) Can be resisted
(Acts 7:51)

47) Directs the movements of God's people
(Acts 8:29)

48) Unifies the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:3)

49) Prohibits certain actions
(Acts 16:6)

50) Seeks to glorify Christ
(John 16:14)

51) Indwells believers
(1 Corinthians 3:16)

52) Is a witness of our adoption
(Galatians 4:6)

53) Is sent by God and His Son
(Galatians 4:6)

54) Is truth
(1 John 5:6)

55) Involved in the creation of the world
(Genesis 1:2)

56) Empowers leaders
(Numbers 11:17)

57) Renews our spiritual nature
(Titus 3:5)

58) Empowers for witness
(Acts 1:8)

59) Gives prophetic revelation
(2 Peter 1:21)

60) Involved in the incarnation of Christ
(Matthew 1:18)

61) Directs in the appointment of church leaders
(Acts 13:2)

62) Participates in the fellowship of believers
(2 Corinthians 13:14)

63) Involved in the baptism of believers
(Matthew 3:16)

64) Empowers believers for spiritual warfare
(Ephesians 6:17)

65) Works in the resurrection of the dead
(Romans 8:11)

66) Inspires prophetic utterances and visions
(Acts 2:17-18)

67) Part of the divine presence in visions
(Ezekiel 1:4-14)

68) Gives spiritual gifts to believers
(1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

69) Works in the conception and birth of Christ
(Luke 1:35)

70) Participates in the commissioning of Jesus at His baptism
(Matthew 3:16-17)

71) Convinces believers of their righteousness through Christ (John 16:10)

72) Creates a sense of urgency for prophetic messages
(Ezekiel 3:14)

73) Participates in the sending of God's messages to His people (Zechariah 7:12)

74) Intercedes for believers
(Romans 8:26-27)

75) Participates in the formation of God's people as His temple (1 Corinthians 3:16)

76) Testifies with our spirit that we are children of God
(Romans 8:16)

77) Gives believers an inheritance and hope
(Ephesians 1:14)

78) Loves us
(Romans 15:30)

79) Provides divine affirmation of God's love to believers (Romans 5:5)

80) The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD
(Isaiah 11:2)

These 80 roles of the Holy Spirit from various biblical passages can be categorized into several broad themes.

1. Teaching and Guidance:

The Holy Spirit is depicted as a teacher, guide, and revealer of truth.

– The Holy Spirit is our teacher and reminder
(John 14:26)

– Leads us into Truth
(John 14:17)

– Should guide our life
(Galatians 5:16)

– Reveals to us/tells us
(I Tim 4:1)

– Helps us understand
(I Cor. 2:12)

– Teaches all things
(Luke 12:12)

– Directs the movements of God’s people
(Acts 8:29)

– Prohibits certain actions
(Acts 16:6)

– Gives prophetic revelation
(2 Peter 1:21)

– Directs in the appointment of church leaders
(Acts 13:2)

2. Empowerment and Spiritual Gifts:

The Holy Spirit empowers believers, giving them gifts and abilities for service.

– Gives power
(Acts 1:8)

– Distributes gifts
(1 Cor 12:1)

– Anoints for service
(Luke 4:18)

– Empowers for witness
(Acts 1:8)

– Empowers leaders
(Numbers 11:17)

– Empowers believers for spiritual warfare
(Ephesians 6:17)

– Gives spiritual gifts to believers
(1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

3. Presence and Assurance:

The Holy Spirit affirms believers' status as children of God, provides comfort and assurance, and is a symbol of God's presence with and within believers.

– The Holy Spirit is our advocate (John 14:16)

– As a guarantee
(II Cor 1:22)

– Is our identification
(Ephesians 1:13)

– We are a temple of the Holy Spirit, a place where He dwells
(I Cor 6:19)

– Gives us assurance
(Romans 8:16)

– Indwells believers
(1 Corinthians 3:16)

– Is a witness of our adoption
(Galatians 4:6)

– Testifies with our spirit that we are children of God
(Romans 8:16)

4. Transformation and Sanctification:

The Holy Spirit is involved in the transformation of believers into the image of Christ and the sanctification process.

– Makes you holy
(II Thes 2:13)

– Produces fruit
(Galatians 5:22)

– Makes us right, cleansed, holy
(I Cor 6:11)

– Regenerates and renews us
(Titus 3:5)

– Sanctifies us
(1 Peter 1:2)

– Renews our spiritual nature
(Titus 3:5)

5. Representation and Testimony of Jesus:

The Holy Spirit represents Jesus, testifies of Him, and seeks to glorify Him.

– The Holy Spirit represents Jesus
(John 14:26)

– Bears witness (Testifies) of Jesus
(John 15:26)

– Seeks to glorify Christ
(John 16:14)

6. Conviction and Correction:

The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin and can be grieved or resisted by actions contrary to God's will.

– Convicts the world of sin
(John 16:8)

– Can be lied to
(Acts 7:51)

– Can be resisted
(Acts 7:51)

– Can be grieved
(Ephesians 4:30)

– Can be quenched
(1 Thessalonians 5:19)

7. Participation in God's Work:

The Holy Spirit plays an essential role in the works of God, from creation to redemption to the resurrection.

– Involved in the creation of the world
(Genesis 1:2)

– Works in the resurrection of the dead
(Romans 8:11)

– Inspires prophetic utterances and visions
(Acts 2:17-18)

– Participates in the commissioning of Jesus at His baptism
(Matthew 3:16-17)

– Works in the conception and birth of Christ
(Luke 1:35)

– Participates in the formation of God’s people as His temple
(1 Corinthians 3:16)

8. Love, Peace, and Joy:

The Holy Spirit is a source of love, peace, joy, and hope in the life of believers.

 – Fills our hearts with love
(Romans 5:5)

– Overflow with confident hope by the Power of the Spirit
(Romans 15:16)

– Gives joy
(Romans 14:17)

– Gives peace
(Romans 8:6)

– Loves us
(Romans 15:30)

– Provides divine affirmation of God’s love to believers
(Romans 5:5)

9. Protection and Defense:

The Holy Spirit guards, protects, and helps believers to defeat the deeds of the body.

– Guards
(2 Timothy 1:14)

– Helps us defeat the deeds of the body
(Romans 8:13)


10. Intercession and Prayer:

The Holy Spirit helps believers in prayer and intercedes on their behalf.

– Helps us pray
(Romans 8:26)

– Intercedes for believers
(Romans 8:26-27)

11. Miscellaneous:

These roles don't easily fit into the categories above but are still important.

– Provides comfort
(Acts 9:31)

– The Spirit of Adoption
(Romans 8:15)

– Gives believers an inheritance and hope
(Ephesians 1:14)

– Is a seal for the day of redemption
(Ephesians 4:30)

– Unifies the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:3)

– Is truth
(1 John 5:6)

– The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD
(Isaiah 11:2)