Church Planting Ministry
Our Church Planting Ministry exists to establish life-giving churches who bring the hope and love of Jesus to a world in need. Jesus is the hope of the world and He has tasked the church to break down the gates of hopelessness and despair. Where there is a new church, there is a change and transformation in that community. God is glorified as the name of Jesus is made famous and we experience His beautiful redemption in His churches.
We aim to plant twenty life-giving network churches in Kansas City by identifying, training, and equipping leaders to plant churches which will plant other churches.
We are investing in Pastors to send out into our communities. Please help us by praying….

- There are 350 Churches in Johnson County
- The average person to church ratio in the US is 1 church for every 900 people
- 1 Church for every 1,700 people
- Johnson County is woefully short of churches.
- There are 570,000 people in Johnson County and 6 out of 10 are completely unchurched
Meet Our Church Planters
We plant churches not because we think we’re the best church in town, but because we want to reach our friends, neighbors, and family members with the life-changing great news of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
The U.S. has millions of people who have no connection to a local church. These are people for whom God deeply cares. Church planting continues to be the single best way to show God’s love.