
In the final message of the Jonah series, Pastor Nick Adams explores Jonah chapter 4, focusing on the theme of being a fan versus a true follower of God. Pastor Nick begins by discussing Jonah’s frustration when God showed mercy to the people of Nineveh, revealing Jonah’s reluctance to embrace God’s will when it didn’t align with his own desires. This sets the stage for a deeper discussion about how fans of Jesus are often driven by emotions and expectations, while true followers remain committed, even when life is challenging or confusing.

Using the analogy of sports fans, Pastor Nick emphasizes that fandom can be fickle, where people cheer when things go their way but complain when things don’t. He contrasts this with being a follower of Christ, who remains faithful despite unmet expectations or difficult circumstances.

The sermon offers three key points of reflection:

  1. Fans get frustrated when expectations aren’t met – Followers say, “I’ll follow anyway,” even when things are difficult.
  2. Fans have conditional loyalty – Followers are “ride or die” with God, recognizing that true loyalty benefits them far more than God.
  3. Fans expect to receive before they give – Followers give themselves fully to God, regardless of what they receive in return.

Pastor Nick challenges the congregation to reflect on their own faith, asking whether they are living as fans—cheering only when things go their way—or as true followers who remain steadfast in all circumstances. He concludes by encouraging the church to step into their role in God’s mission by inviting others to experience Jesus, praying that lives would be transformed through the power of the gospel.

Group Questions:

Opening Discussion:

  • Have you ever found yourself disappointed when something didn’t go the way you expected, even though it turned out to be for the best in the end? Share a moment when your expectations weren’t met but you saw God work through it later.


  • If you could only follow one sports team or activity for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why? (Feel free to share if you’re not a sports fan too!)

Scripture Reflection:

  • Read Jonah 4:1-4. Why do you think Jonah was so angry when God showed mercy to Nineveh? How does this reveal Jonah’s heart and his struggle with being a true follower of God?

Deeper Application:

  • Pastor Nick discussed the difference between being a fan and a follower of Christ. In what areas of your life do you feel like you’ve been more of a “fan” than a “follower”? How can you shift your focus to be more committed to following God, even when it’s uncomfortable or hard?

Personal Reflection:

  • Think of a time when you were reluctant to obey God, but you did it anyway. How did that obedience impact your relationship with God? What might God be asking you to do now that requires more faith or trust?

Prayer Focus:

  • Pray for a heart that is fully committed to following Jesus, not just when it’s easy or convenient, but in all circumstances. Ask God to reveal any areas where you’ve been holding back and pray for the courage to step into His plans for you, even when they don’t align with your expectations.